Més informació [ Detall d'activitat

9006480500   Spice Up (EVEN MORE!) Your Lessons With EDTECH
2016-2017   Curs. Secundària en general
   3/7/2017 - 14/7/2017 (30 hores) de 9:00h a 14:00h
   C Joviat
   c. Rubió i Ors, 5-17 (Manresa) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Les sessions presencials són els dies 3,4,5,6 i 7 de juliol de 9:00 a 14:00 h.
Inscripció   15/05/2017 - 31/05/2017
Descripció i   Metodologia:   We all know how to send mails, create powerpoints and visit interactive websites, but have we empowered our students to create exciting and powerful digital objects that show their own achievement of knowledge and English level?
Are we making the most of students’ own devices and gadgets in class?
Do we want our students to memorize lists of vocabulary or grammar items or do we want them to engage and express themselves in English in a wide variety of topics?
In the second part of the course SPICE UP YOUR LESSONS WITH EDTECH we will learn about apps and techniques that will enhance student’s digital skills while using English in the process. They will be able to create videos, presentations, polls and using social media effectively and wisely, taking into account that their digital footprint matters.
Some previous background in digital tools and Edtech usage is required to take part in this course.
Objectius   1.To make students use edtech to create relevant digital objects
2.To understand the full potential of smartphones and tablets in our lessons
3.To responsibly introduce our students into social media usage for educative purposes
4.To teach students techniques of formative assessment and peer assessment.

Continguts   •Mlearning: why it matters.
•Bloom’s Taxonomy for the Digital Age
•Infographics and digital posters
•How to publish your own writings and stories
•Interactive Timelines
•Augmented reality in the class
•Virtual Reality: get students create engaging virtual visits
•Social Networks for educational purposes: Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat
•Digital polls and surveys
•Creating quizzes for peer assessment: Google Forms and Socrative
Observacions   Participants are required to . . .
1)Be creative
2)Have an open mind regarding technologies
3)Bring their own devices to class (smartphones, tables and laptops)
4)Enjoy creating exciting teaching materials

Formador/a   Abel Gàlvez
Avaluació   Course participants will be required to showcase their progress with the digital objects they will create during the course. They will have to share them via digital portfolios, blogs or social media posts. Participants will be expected to actively engage in discussions and collaboration throughout the course.

Description on-line tasks (5h)
Course participants will go online to post their digital objects and share them on social media. They will we encouraged to give feedback and comments on their classmates’ posts.

Requisits de  certificació   Course participants will be required to showcase their progress with the digital objects they will create during the course. They will have to share them via digital portfolios, blogs or social media posts. Participants will be expected to actively engage in discussions and collaboration throughout the course.

Description on-line tasks (5h)
Course participants will go online to post their digital objects and share them on social media. They will we encouraged to give feedback and comments on their classmates’ posts.

Persones  destinatàries   Secondary school teachers of English.
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dilluns   03/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 2   dimarts   04/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 3   dimecres   05/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 4   dijous   06/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 5   divendres   14/07/2017   0900   1400 

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent